Monday, September 24, 2012

News Update!!

Monday September 24, 2012

Dear Parents,

As a follow up to ensuring that the spread of Hand Foot and Mouth (HF&M) in our community is kept to a minimum we have undertaken a thorough cleaning program at KG over the weekend. Most importantly surfaces that children have come into contact with such as furniture and toys have been cleaned with disinfectant.  This will be continued on a regular basis.

We would like to stress that personal hygiene practices are the best way to stop the spread of HF&M. A few ways in which we can help to prevent HF&M would be; bathing regularly, washing hands before and after eating and after using the bathroom. Girls with long hair should wash it often and tie it back neatly before coming to school.

We are pleased to inform you that there have been no new cases reported to us. We would appreciate your support in continuing these good practices at home and explaining to your children their importance. 

Thanking you


K1 Team

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